All The Tools You Need To Tan Yourself

YOU are an athlete who is ready to save money and learn the art of tanning yourself for your next show!

I'm ready to SAVE $$$

Say goodbye to the days of freezing tanning sessions on someone else's time. And say HELLO to saving over 50% on your competition tanning costs!
You won't need a partner to tan, the innovative technique you will learn in this Tan Yourself Blueprint will give you everything you need to perfect your tan: every skin tone, every tan, every time.

In the Tan Yourself Blueprint, you will learn:

  • the pre-tan prep process
  • the tan application process
  • the complete protocol based on your skin tone
  • all the dos, don'ts, and tips that no one else is sharing!

THE BEST PART, you will have LIFETIME access to this course!


I'm looking for the Bikini Diaries Posing Academy



PS, $40 1:1 posing session available inside!

Take me there, please